Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Έκθεση "The Land of D€MOCRA$¥" του Μάικ Πετράκη (Προξενικό Γραφείο Χάγης, 4 Ιουνίου - 2 Αυγούστου 2013)

Exhibition "The Land of D€MOCRA$¥" by Greek artist Mike Petrakis (Consular Office, 4 June - 2 August 2013)

for English please scroll down

H Ελληνική Πρεσβεία στην Χάγη παρουσιάζει την έκθεση του Έλληνα καλλιτέχνη Μάικ Πετράκη με τίτλο "The Land of D€MOCRA$¥", με αναφορά στη φυσιογνωμία και στις λειτουργίες της Δημοκρατίας, από καταβολής της έως σήμερα.

Ο καλλιτέχνης στέκεται κριτικά απέναντι στο θεσμό και τοποθετείται σχετικά με τις εκφάνσεις και τις σύγχρονές όψεις του.

H έκθεση είχε παρουσιαστεί στην Πινακοθήκη του Δήμου Κερκυραίων, με μεγάλη επιτυχία και μεταφέρεται εντός των χώρων της Πρεσβείας, όπου ο καλλιτέχνης θα εκθέσει και κάποιες νέες δημιουργίες του αναφορικά με το θέμα. Οι επισκέπτες μπορούν να συμμετέχουν στην έκθεση, γράφοντας και το δικό τους σχόλιο για την Δημοκρατία.

Εγκαίνια  Έκθεσης: Τρίτη 4 Ιουνίου στις 18:00
Διάρκεια  Έκθεσης: 4 Ιουνίου εώς 2 Αυγούστου 2013
Ώρες Έκθεσης: Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή από 10:00 – 13:00
(ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: η επίσκεψη κατά τις ώρες κοινού στο Προξενείο μπορεί ορισμένες φορές να είναι δύσκολη. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε για ιδιωτική επίσκεψη, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο
Διεύθυνση: Oranjestraat 7, 2514 JB Den Haag

Χορηγοί: Vecom Marine Alliances B.V.
                Air France – KLM
                Coco Mat

Χορηγοί Επικοινωνίας: ΕΛ

The Embassy of Greece in The Hague presents the exhibition of Greek artist Mike Petrakis entitled "The Land of D€MOCRA$¥", which refers to the institution - concept of Democracy and its functions, since its inception until now.

The artist takes a critical stance towards it and lays his position concerning the facets and contemporary aspects of Democracy.

The exhibition, which was successfully displayed at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu – Greece, is moving to the Embassy of Greece in The Hague, where the artist will also exhibit new works on the same subject. Visitors will have the chance to participate by writing their own message about the concept of Democracy.

Here are two interviews of artist Mike Petrakis:
a) to the Griekse Gids (Dutch)
b) to (English)

Opening Reception: Tuesday, 4 June, at 18:00
Duration: 4 June to 2 August 2013
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 - 13:00 
(NOTE: visit during public hours at the Consulate might sometimes be difficult. In case you are interested in private viewings please contact us at
Address: Oranjestraat 7, 2514 JB Den Haag

Sponsors:  Vecom Marine Alliances B.V.
                  Air France – KLM
                  Coco Mat

Media sponsors:  ΕΛ

Exhibition’s Statement

‘The Land of D€MOCRA$¥’

The LAND of DEMOCRACY, with its remarkable collection of landscapes, invites us, the visitors, to an enjoyable acquaintance with its history. The guide-narrator encourages us to let our minds free to experience the play of IMAGES conjured by CONCEPT-WORDS and to enjoy the world which is built based on this fundamental principle of creation. Let us, thus, get rid ourselves of the temptation for other interpretations and let us seek the Word visually.

This does not mean that we are being "channelled" into one unique interpretation. Besides, at the end of our visit, we will all have the opportunity to present our views and proposals regarding the LAND of DEMOCRACY and its contemporary aspects by writing them on a blank wall at the end of our visit (DEMOCREATION).

All these contributions will form a part of «the heritage for future generations», as the saying goes. So let us all give it a try! In the present statement, we are keeping the original comments by Mike Petrakis, who is the instigator and the stage director of this installation.

1st Chapter

DEMOCRACY: principles... numerous principles talking of equality before the law, of social justice, of contribution to humanity, of peace, of free access to knowledge, of equitable distribution of wealth, of social services. The GARDEN of Eden, the land of FELICITY.

Mike Petrakis: Hoping for a well-balanced function of human society.

2nd Chapter

DEMOCRACY, the land of UTOPIA for European and other western societies. The construction of a renewable system of mirroring, which calls itself «social and economic relations». The good manner of co-existence. The ROAD  towards all kinds of understanding of the many and various ideas, the AVENUE of all kinds of justifications, the felicity of law conformity.

Mike Petrakis: The hypocritical dimension of human relations undermines every democratic institution.

3rd Chapter

DEMOCRACY, the land of political PRETENTION, of elaborate SCREENIN, of the variety of wise men, the dialogue with the still born. The land with the hidden demons of the invisible extermination, the world of sanctification for the victorious. THE LAUREL LEAF of POWER.

Mike Petrakis:  The unwritten moral laws are being trampled upon in favor of individual interests. The ruling power wears the face of emperors, leaders (political, religious) but also of the insatiable masses.

4th Chapter

DEMOCRACY, the land of alleged spirit of fair competition, of the fighters and the champions of vested interest, of the melancholic strolls in the LAND of ADJECTITY of others. The triumph of statistical numbers. The ambient bridge of suicides, of the burned out lifes cells and of the many aphrodisiacs. The contemporary sexist version of domination and its magic self loving mirror.

Mike Petrakis: Their Democracy is nothing more than a nice commercial product and trick. In its play for profits thousands are its victims, fans who are lustfully following it, and most of the time are charred by it.

5th Chapter

DEMOCRACY, the land of the waving recovery, of the causeless but not without roudy panic of the people, all kinds of so called solutions, of the final EXITLESS EXIT given the HISTORY modern societies.

Mike Petrakis:  Our lost and found Paradise. VOTE DEMOCRACY.